



Intimate Examinations and Procedures

To look after your health properly sometimes the doctor, nurse or other health professional will need to carry out an intimate examination or procedure.

This may include examinations of the breasts, male and female private parts and the back passage in both men and women. Some people will find the thought of undergoing this type of examination distressing. However we want to reassure you that we respect your comfort, dignity and privacy and we will always arrange the examination so that these are maintained as far as possible.



How we can help

  • We will tell you before any intimate examination
  • We will describe the procedure to you so that you will understand what is involved.
  • We will request your consent to the examination or procedure.
  • We will offer you a trained chaperone. If a chaperone can’t be provided straight away, then you may need to return to the surgery at a later date.

During the examination

You will have a private changing room or screened changing area.

If you need assistance with undressing and dressing please ask.

If you requested a chaperone, they will:

  • Reassure you and make sure you know what is involved
  • Stay with you and the clinician conducting the procedure, throughout the procedure
  • Help you to clarify any queries you may have with the doctor or nurse

If at any time during the procedure you feel uncomfortable or concerned please ask the doctor or nurse to stop and explain things again.


When you make your appointment

We have both male and female GP's working within our Practice so if you have a preference in this regard or would like to request a chaperone when you book your appointment then please do not hesitate to tell our receptionist.