Accessible Information




General Information


Health resources in other languages

Taken from NHS Choices website

Below you can find links to health information in other languages provided by other websites. While every attempt has been made to check the veracity of the information linked to, we do not monitor the content of third-party websites and do not accept any responsibility for any third-party website.


General Health Information


عربي (Arabic)


Français (French)


Español (Spanish)


Health Topics in other languages


The Baby Centre – Information about pregnancy and birth in:


Back pain

  • Sheffield Back Pain - patient information leaflets about back pain and sciatica translated into ten languages


  • Macmillan cancer support - Information about the most commonly requested cancer topics translated into other languages
Français (French)
Português (Portuguese)
Español (Spanish)

Cervical Smears


Data and Confidentiality:




Female genital mutilation (FGM)

FGM leaflets in:


Heart health


Help with NHS costs




Mental health


Organ donation and transplants


British Sign Language


Smear tests: help for patients with learning disabilities:


Health Screening for transgender and non-binary patients