Patient Participation Group




This is your group which is involved in decision-making and supports the practice. It also encourages patient involvement and feeds back ideas and comments to the staff as well as receiving updates on developments in the practice.

There are up to seven patient members, representatives of the administrative staff and a GP, plus input from other professionals as required. For example, we met the Care Coordinators for the practice and Clinical Pharmacist from the PCN and asked questions about their role and responsibilities.

We meet once about every three months and usually have an update from the Practice Manager, discussion about any new initiatives and discussion and information about the Clinical Commissioning Group, the body that actually decides how the money for local health care is spent.


Usually, we have information on the local Hospital Trust and also about the Public Reference Group, that is, the body that is the next tier up from us!

We make suggestions about surveys, which the government is very keen on at the moment and this is a good point to ask you to go on to NHS Choices and give your view of the New Dover Road Surgery.

If you have any questions about the PPG, do contact the Practice Manager for more information.