Clinics and Services




Minor Surgery

This is carried out in the practice by Dr Mulvihill. If you have a skin lesion or lump that concerns you please see your GP first for an assessment.


Diabetic Clinic

The Diabetic Clinic is run by our Practice Nurse. Please ring the surgery to make an appointment if you need a diabetic review.


Asthma Clinic

The Respiratory Clinic is run by Dr Robinson. Please ring the surgery to make an appointment if you need an Asthma or COPD review.

Asthma Questionnaire


Child Immunisations

These are carried out by our Practice Nurse after assessment by the GP.

Immunisation Schedule


Community Nursing Service

For the elderly or sick patients who are housebound, nursing care is available in the home from our District Nursing team.


Family Planning and Well Woman Clinics

A nurse runs these clinics which offer advice on family planning, contraception, weight, urine, blood pressure, breast awareness teaching, cervical smears, menopause and premenstrual tension. A full range of family planning services including coil and implant fitting are available from one of our family planning doctors.


Anticoagulant Clinic

The Anticoagulant clinic is run by our Practice Nurse. Please call the surgery if you have any queries about your anti-coagulation medication or INR monitoring.


Health Visitors 

The Health Visitors can be contacted at Kent Community Health NHS Trust on 0300 7900156. They are happy to advise on all aspects of child and baby care and developmental assessment including vision and hearing tests. They will also give advice and help to handicapped and elderly patients.

Canterbury Health Visitor Clinics 



We have an in-house physiotherapy service. Appointments are by GP referral only.